Wednesday, August 5, 2009

World Super Powers in 2050

Who do you think would be in the top 5 list ?

This is one question we have been arguing about all the time. Many say, including some of the top investment banks including the ones that flopped recently!!, that the USA will not be on the first spot. China is expected to replace US as the number one economy. Doubt remains on the military side but still China is expected to pip the US in atleast the number game. Russia on the other hand is rising from the ashes once again. Can it repeat what USSR did after the first world war ? Or is it just a temporary upswing and may fizzle out soon ? Well, questions remain but going by the predictions Russia is definitely going to be up there on the world scene. The other country, on which many people are ready to put their money, is India. Remember, India was the the richest country in the 17th century. Will it regain that post in the 21st century ? Can India ,with its vast hard working middle class population, pip china ever ? Its managing pretty well to hold on to its impressive growth rates even in the midst of global slowdown so imagine what will happen when the world is rising back from the recession ? There are few other contenders like Brazil, European Union, Indonesia etc who are also vying for a place in the top world powers but I think sooner or later their growth will slow down over a period of time.

In my opinion, the following would be the top 5 superpowers in 2050.

1. China

2. India

3. USA

4. Russia

5. EU

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